Tuesday 20 October 2009

Proposal for Do I Reallly Need....

I intend to make a documentary that will feature the theme of gameshows. The programme will discuss why people choose to watch particular shows like "The Weakest Link", "Deal or No Deal" and "The X Factor". The programme will also discuss the effect that these gameshows have on the public and why they think there are so many types of gameshows being made on television now.

I will tell the story through the use of positive and negative sides of gameshows and the story will be told through the eyes of a boy who has been brought up from a poor backgroud and seeking a way of earning money for him and his family to get them out of poverty. It is the british version and is based on 2008's Oscar Winning film "Slumdog Millionaire".

The story will be narrated and will involve the audience through his life and the conditions, it will also describe how he will enter the game show as this is in the interest of the audience as they are familiar with the film and also it will involve them in game shows in todays society as television nowadays is governed by game shows and this documentary will discuss both sides of the spectrum.

The celebity side of it why people go on to improve their self image and therefoe progress onto further career projetct and members of the public earning money as we live in a time of recession.

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