Saturday 31 October 2009

Assignment Radio Station

27th October-We were sorted into our groups where we explored differnt ideas that we thought would make a good radio staion programme that would interest the audience. We explored the idea of What it is like to be Fresher whilst participating in their first week at University. It will be aimed at Bath Spa Students.

3rd November-We discussed with a panel about our idea and they decided if it was good or notwe all took it in turns to pitch our ideas, this was good as it allowed us to build up our confidence both within ourselves and our idea. We talked about the treatment of the radio station what we were going to include and use, for example "Vox Pops" and interviews and how we will start and end the show.

10th November-We discussed Team working and how to record minutes where one person from the group is assigned to keep a record of meetings of who is there and who is not, key points of the meeting and the time and location, also to monitor progress and decide action points of the meeting. To finsih we decided on agreeing a date and location for our next meeting to carry out Vox Pops and editing.

24th November-Group meeting – Radio Programme project

Present: Annie and Ross.
Absent: Harry and Rachel.

Action Points:

Waiting to hear of progress from absent members of the group. If vox pops have not been completed by Friday 27th November we will have to record some of our own and use them as Plan B. Currently unable to take an active editing role due to a lack of things to edit. Next definite meeting will be Tuesday 1st December, however if we hear back from the group in the meantime then we may arrange to work on the project over the next few days.

1st December-
Action Points:

Rachel and Harry in Wednesday to edit Vox Pops at 10.00
Have to email Student President.
Interview Mike after lecture.
All in Thursday 3rd December-Rachel, Annie, Harry and Ross.
-Recording Voice-Annie
have to request and book microphone for Thursday.
-Arrange the Vox Pops
-Research Music-Ross

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