Saturday 31 October 2009

Assignment Montage Portfolio

31st October- I had to create a montage as one of my assignments on final cut. The theme for my montage assignment and our portfolio , is the theme of water. I will take around 20 pictures which I will then add to a piece of music of my choice that match the mood of the pictures. The music that has influenced my piece is the group Klannad see I wanted to create an atmosphere that was low key and haunting.

I felt that the music went well with the pictures as it suited the tone and the mood that I wanted to create which was a calm atmosphere then I wanted to build up the tension. I used fade out shots to create transitions to different parts of the music that would bring the pictures back on the screen on the beat, for example there was quiet instrumental music that that I wanted to show with the image of trickling water.

Ross's Water Montage from Ross Weir on Vimeo.

Assignment Radio Station

27th October-We were sorted into our groups where we explored differnt ideas that we thought would make a good radio staion programme that would interest the audience. We explored the idea of What it is like to be Fresher whilst participating in their first week at University. It will be aimed at Bath Spa Students.

3rd November-We discussed with a panel about our idea and they decided if it was good or notwe all took it in turns to pitch our ideas, this was good as it allowed us to build up our confidence both within ourselves and our idea. We talked about the treatment of the radio station what we were going to include and use, for example "Vox Pops" and interviews and how we will start and end the show.

10th November-We discussed Team working and how to record minutes where one person from the group is assigned to keep a record of meetings of who is there and who is not, key points of the meeting and the time and location, also to monitor progress and decide action points of the meeting. To finsih we decided on agreeing a date and location for our next meeting to carry out Vox Pops and editing.

24th November-Group meeting – Radio Programme project

Present: Annie and Ross.
Absent: Harry and Rachel.

Action Points:

Waiting to hear of progress from absent members of the group. If vox pops have not been completed by Friday 27th November we will have to record some of our own and use them as Plan B. Currently unable to take an active editing role due to a lack of things to edit. Next definite meeting will be Tuesday 1st December, however if we hear back from the group in the meantime then we may arrange to work on the project over the next few days.

1st December-
Action Points:

Rachel and Harry in Wednesday to edit Vox Pops at 10.00
Have to email Student President.
Interview Mike after lecture.
All in Thursday 3rd December-Rachel, Annie, Harry and Ross.
-Recording Voice-Annie
have to request and book microphone for Thursday.
-Arrange the Vox Pops
-Research Music-Ross

Assignment Soundscape

27th October-I Had meeting with Mike to discuss my options for my soundscape location which was to be filmed at Bristol Airport. We decided that he idea worked well, although it did have its limitations as their was a limit to how much sound I was allowed to record due to security restrictions. We also discussed what I could record e.g. the sound of the engine from the planes or passengers.

31st October-I emailed Bristol Airport requesting for me to film sound in and around the airport.

15th November-Carried out recording soundscape at Bristol Airport and recorded sounds of people, ,footsteps, the engines from the planes and restaurants.

Friday 30 October 2009

Beatsystem Photos

I was given the task of taking a series of photos that matched a downloaded piece of music of my choice and the task was to match the pictures with the music.

Saturday 24 October 2009


A soundscape is a sound or combination of sounds that forms or arises from an environment. The idea of soundscape refers to both the natural acoustic environment, consisiting of natural sounds, including animal vocalisation and, for instance, the sounds of weather and other natural elements.

Also environmental sounds, created by humans, through musical composition, sound design and other ordinary human activivites, including conservation work and sounds of mechnical origin resulting from industrial techologies.

The term soundscape can also refer to an audio recording or performance of sounds that create the sensation of experiencing particular environment, or compositions of an acoustic envionment either exclusively or in conjunction with musical performance.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Deconstructing a Radio Station

"Heart Bristol"

-Introduction [introducting the show through the use of the theme song]

-Music [pop songs and 80s songs]

-News Coverage [includes stories that are every 20 minutes that cover controversial subjects that are in the interest of the public. For exmaple The Royal Mail strike.

-Ends for a break for adverts with the radio theme song

-Music pop song countdown [50 top UK albums]

-Celebrity News, for example new Madona Video.

-Theme song and advertising

-News and weather, repeats news for people who hav missed it earlier, for example The Royal Mail strike, Student Tuition fees [students leaving Universiy with debt] and celebrities that are going to be performing on "The X Factor" e.g. Michael Buble'.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Treatment for Do I Really Need...

The documentary programme will start off with arcive material from "Slumdog Millionaire", and will show the scene where the main character Jamal Maik [played by Dev Patel], wins 20 million rupees. The audience will experience a documentary that starts off by showing you how wealthy the character is and will describe his life before that.

The documentary will take the audience throught his life through the use of a live interview where he will discuss his previous life as an orphan who lived on the streets of london and who is how a young wealthy person due to his knowledge of entering a gameshow.

Reconstructions will be used to show his plan to change his life for him and his family and to give thm a better life as he was given the chance appear on a gameshow. It will explore his day-to-day life by the use of "Vox Pops" asking him what it is like? and How does he cope?.

This will create synpathy and empathy from the audience who will feel for the character and will want him to successed and change his life. Photographs will be used to show him winning the show, for example having photgraphs with the host and his family.

The documentary willshow the audience thew steps he took to appear on the game show and the effects that the winnings have had on his life, for example archive material showing him helping other people who are not as fortunate e.g. offering food, shelter.

There will be interview with members of his family on how proud they are and how it has changed his life, for example interiews with his mum and dad and the way that earning money before was difficult.

There will also be interviews and "Vox Pops" with celebrity hosts such as Chris Tarrant who hosts "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and how he is astonished on how much the winnings have changed the character's life compared to his life before by the use of archive material.

Proposal for Do I Reallly Need....

I intend to make a documentary that will feature the theme of gameshows. The programme will discuss why people choose to watch particular shows like "The Weakest Link", "Deal or No Deal" and "The X Factor". The programme will also discuss the effect that these gameshows have on the public and why they think there are so many types of gameshows being made on television now.

I will tell the story through the use of positive and negative sides of gameshows and the story will be told through the eyes of a boy who has been brought up from a poor backgroud and seeking a way of earning money for him and his family to get them out of poverty. It is the british version and is based on 2008's Oscar Winning film "Slumdog Millionaire".

The story will be narrated and will involve the audience through his life and the conditions, it will also describe how he will enter the game show as this is in the interest of the audience as they are familiar with the film and also it will involve them in game shows in todays society as television nowadays is governed by game shows and this documentary will discuss both sides of the spectrum.

The celebity side of it why people go on to improve their self image and therefoe progress onto further career projetct and members of the public earning money as we live in a time of recession.

Vox Pops

Vox Pop is a latin phrase that means the voice of the people that is a term often used in abradcasting with members of the "general public".

Usually the interviewees are shwon in public places and supposed to ive spontanteous opinions ina chance to encounter unrehearsed persons, not selected in any way. As such broadcasts journalists almost always refer to them as the abbriviated vox pop.

In U.S broadcast journalism it is often referred to as a "man on the street interview" or M.O.T.S. Results of such an interview are unpredictable. Vox Pop material is editied downvery tightly. A Vox Pop is not a form or survey, each person is asked the same question and the aim is to get a variety of answers and opinions on any given subject.

Journalists are usually instructed to approach a wide range of people to get varied answers from differnt points of view. The interviewees should be of various ages, gendres, classes and communities so tht the diverse views and reactions of the general public will be known.

Vox Pop questions will be asked in differnt parts of streets or public places in any specific topic or situation not concerned by the general public.

The question can be asked only in a specific group to know the perception and reaction is of that group to the specific topic or issue. A question can be asked to a group of students about the quality of education.

Thursday 15 October 2009

How University Academic Study is different from usuall every day discussion about media

How University academic study is different from everyday discussion about media is that with every day discussion about media people are not educated into the effects that the media can have as they are not open to different texts and contexts of the media as opposed to students studying at university who are introduced to this than people just sitting in a pub and discussing the subject as there is a limit as to what you can discuss, for example the variety of texts that people watch, for example films or soap operas on television.

People studying at university in a lecture theatre can explore the different types of media communication and how these texts are produced, published and are recieved by an audience. Also they can explore the different ways in which the media is produced and displayed, for example Barack Obama using websites like utube to promote and communicate to a wide audience of supporters than just limiting himself to television broadcasting.

Also everyday discussion about media, people are not familiar with the diffrent theories and theorists, for example, Marshall Mcluhan as students can learn about these theories and can learn about their views and thoughts about the media to see how much the media has changed and therefore come to their own conclusion about the media.

Also studing at University enables students to lean about the different media technology, for example what they are and how diffrerent media technologies hve different outcomes. Studying at University offers new ideas and introduces people to new technologies that they didn't know before, for example Web 2.0, that includes Facebook, Utube, Blogger, Twitter and Wikipedia.

Also it enables people to learn about the pst and how the media and media communications have changed since the 1960s to present day and it therefore enables people to compare how and why these changes have occured and to take into account what are the changes that are occuring in the world of media communication today and how it is changing aroung us.

A privilege of studying at University is the use of books and resources that are available to students as opposed to people discussing media as an everyday subject. Although, people who are not studying at University are open to books and can study the media they do not have the privilege of having direct resources to theorist like Marshall Mcluhan.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Atmosphere of a Location

we were set the task of carrying out an activity that involved taking three photographs of viewpoints of a specific location or a place that was significant to us or somewhere that was place of interest. I chose the location of a train station to show a story. For example at the begining you have the rush as there is a lot of energy, for example a queue of people waiting to get tickets and people arriving and departing the train. I also wanted to capture the train station when it was empty to create an eerie atmosphere, to show the early morning mist and fog. I also wanted to capture trains arriving and departing from the platform.

Do I really need?....

Do I really need?....

The show could explore the need for gameshows and people's need and obsession with gameshows.

For example personal idenitity with the contestant players on gameshows like "Deal or No Deal" or "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" who go on the show to win money, as today we live in a time of the credit crunch and recession, these gameshows provide an escapism for the audience and diversion and entertainment as it is an easy way of making money.

Other gameshows that people are interested in are talent shows such as "Strictly Come Dancing" and "The X Factor", this is also diversion and entertainment as it sees people living their dreams of becoming professional dancers and pop singers.

It inspires the audience and they therefore have a need for them as these types of gameshows interpellates the audience into the feel good narrative of the show, the message of self confidence or in some cases by winning or participating in a gameshow improves the contestants or celebrity's self image and progression into fame.

Also gameshows like "Stictly Come Dancing" is a way of introducing and encouraging people to become more healthy by watching the show they can be inspired and dance with their own partners.

Pictures of Photomarathon