Thursday 25 February 2010

Food For Thought

For our assignment we are planning to carryout a short documentary that focus on the concept of healthy eating and will aim to show the audience that healthy food does not need to be boring but can be interesting and delicious.

We are aiming to use real statistics that will be shown on the screen to give the audience a more visual feel by using graphs, charts to include the number of people who eat unhealthy food in the U.K and how many peole at their "5 a day" and also camera shots of people eating unhealthy food.

We will aim the documentary around a Nutritionist called Anna who focuses on healthy foods and in the past has made a number of healthy recipes that include healthy cakes and meals as the main section of our documentary will be used to show Anna making a healthy cake , possibly outside infront of members of the public to give it a sort of "fly on the wall feel" to it. This is also good because it gives Anna more publicity and interest to her profession.

Also we will interview Anna before hand to give the audience a chance to See her personality so we will tell her, what we are going to do what we would like er to carry out for our documentary and talk and photograph the various food that she has produced before.

Also after the cake has been made we get members of the public to try it and then use "Vox Pops" to ask members of the public to tell us what their thought and opinions are of the cake and whether or not they would buy it if it was sold in a supermarket.

We will use a Panasonic camera to film the process of Anna making the cake as this will be my role I wanted to use a Panasonic camera as it is small and easier to use to change to the type of angle you want. Also we may use a fig rig and a mono pod.

What got us inspired to do this documentary is the work of Jaime Oliver's campaign on improving school dinners which helped to create healthy school dinners and trying to get students to try and go for healthy food instead of unhealthy food.

Another television show that inspired us is "You are What you Eat" which focuses on a nutritionist helping a certain individual who struggles to eat healthy food and is someone who only eats unhealthy food. By changing their lives the nutritionist Gillian McKieth shocks them by going into their fridges and cuboards and showing them how much unhealthy food they have and are consuming.

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