Sunday 22 November 2009

Star Trek

Since the introduction of the television series, 1987's Star Trek Generation, followed by Deep Space Nine, and Finally Starship Enterprise. Fans have grown and have been loyal to the franchise. But it wasn't until 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis that failed at the box office and received poor reviews from critics and fans alike the franchise then went into hibernation. It wasn't until J.J Abrams [Lost, Alias, Mission:Impossible 3 and Cloverfield], decided to come on board and try to rediscover and try to give the franchise the revamp it needed.

J.J Abrams vision sees the birth of the Starship Enterprise and how the crew met for the first time and who come face-to-face with the Romulan Nero played by Eric Bana [Funny People, Hulk, Chopper]. Chris Pine plays Kirk and brings to the character a fresh sense of emotion and comedy to the role, but it is Zachary Quinto's [Hero's Sylar] Spock, that impresses and stands out as the characters battle- the logic versus the emotion, the human versus the alien [half human, half Vulcan], which is the main focus of the film. Other characters include, Chechov [played by Anton Yelchin [Alpha Dog, Terminator Salvation], there is comedy relief, Scotty [played by Simon Pegg [Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz], karl Urban's [The Lord of the Rings, Doom], McCoy, Sulu John Cho [Flashforward], and Zoe Saldana as Uhura.

J.J Abram's new vision is both cool and exciting and focuses on the concept of teamwork and friendship and for those who have never seen Star Trek are in for a treat as it is a fantastic introduction to the franchise and the characters [from the cool, classic blue starfleet uniform that Spock wears not seen since the 1960s]. There is also breathtaking action that is thrilling and will leave the audience wanting more. for hardcore fans of the franchise this is the welcome back they have been waiting for and the franchise receives the revamp it needs and deserves.

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