Friday 8 April 2011

Media Event Lesley 8th April

Today was the actual Media event that we as a group have been planning for months as this is part of our assignment which was to organise an event. We all had to meet at 8.20 outside the main house where we then greeted the BTEC students who we were going to prepare the day for.

My role for the day was runner and grip as well as helping rig and DE-rig rooms such as the quick draw and the green screen room where I helped to DE-rig the lights and the tripods and help carry back equipment. My other role was making sure that the main room was empty for other users of the room as it was only booked out for the morning session where we met and greeted the BTEC students and the lecturers,a s well as the students ambassadors.

Overall i felt that the day was a complete success as everyone carried out their roles really well and the schedule of the day worked really well too, for example activities ended when they were planned for.

I felt that the students got really involved with the activities, in particularly the "big draw" as the students we asked to draw an object, such as a tree and we would take a picture every time they did something using stock motion to speed up the process. This involved the students having to line up and take it in turns to each draw a section of the picture and we would then capture their movements.

I felt that the green screen activity went particularly well too as by the second and third time it was carried out everyone got involved and any technical issues were sorted out without hesitation. Again I felt that the students were involved as the object of the activity was to have a person stand infront of the screen and to guess the picture that was showing behind them on the green screen. Whether it be an animal or a person.

Also the guest speakers were particularly interesting, particularly hearing about how they started off and got into the industry and what route they eventually decided to go down, for example cameraman, producer, director or presenter.

If we had to plan this event again I would make sure with the evaluation forms to clarify o the students that they were double sided as some were not filled out due to confusion with the questions.

Friday 1 April 2011

Media Event [Commissioning and Employment] 1st April

Today in Lesley's lecture we went through a full run through of the media event for next Friday 8th April. This was a brilliant exercise as it allowed us to get a feel of how Long the activities will take on the day as well as identifying our key roles and responsibilities.

Whether it be in charge of catering, budget, meeting and greeting visitors or running events. We also ran through the activities as well, making sure that they run smoothly and that all the equipment we need is booked out and is working.

We also took mug shots of each of the team members to create a profile page for the visitors to read up on various peoples ambitions, likes and interests. We also filmed the intro to the film that we are going to show the BTEC students on the day which introduces each of the team members.

My role on the day is a runner and grip as well as my key role of helping to organise the event. My task for Wednesday next week is to create a finalised version of the evaluation form as well as a speech for which to accompany it as I am also going to explain what the evaluation is for and about.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Media Event [Commissioning and Employment] 18th March

Today in Lesley's lecture we focused on out next assignment which is to commence after the Media Event, which focuses on our Personal Development Plan. This allows us to decide and plan what we aim to do in third year and what we want to get out of it, and also our plans for our chosen career path for the future.

After we carried out forms on our development we swiftly carried on with our plans on the media event and its progression.

We split into our individual groups, e.g. technical, marketing and organisation., to decide what our plans our to organise the event. the leader of our group then allocated us with a schedule which contained the tasks which had to be done foe that week before the next lecture. We then decided who would be best suited to carry out each task.

My role was to arrange the Evaluation Form that the students have to fill out after the Media Event. This will contain their enjoyment of the day and what they got out of it. I was also allocated the task of carrying out risk assessment forms for the rooms as well as thinking of ice-breakers, which the students can use to get to know each other.

I also came up with a schedule for the rooms which consisted of which equipment we need for each room and what equipment we will need budget for, as well as fire exits and meeting points.

Friday 25 February 2011

Media Event Lesley 5001 25th February

Today in Lesley's lecture we discussed how the Media Event is going to progress. We started off discussing the individual roles of members of the group and who would specialise in which area.

The areas that we included are technical, marketing and and ideas and organising. I found to be more suitable in the organising group as well as liaising with the technical group as my role would involve setting up and rigging equipment for the event when the BTEC students arrive for the activity.

Also as well as preparing questionnaires and a shedule for the day so that the group has something to look at and see what they are going to be doing for the day. Chloe [Leader], James ]Technical], Esther [Marketing] and Brad [Ideas and Organising] are the leaders of each of the group. We then split up in our individual groups and discussed the structure and the angle for the day.

The Schedule for the day is as follows:


9.30-Group Division

9.50-1st Activity

10.15-Second Activity

11.00-3rd Activity

11.45-Walk Tour to Moreton

12.30-Toilet Break

12.45- Room 111 Guest Speaker/Also de-rigging/Lunch


1.50-Goodbyes and Montage-goody bag/Take the group to the bus stop.

Friday 4 February 2011

Media Event Lesley 5001 Friday 4th February

Today in Lesley's lecture as a group we discussed what makes a good leader in a team as in a couple of months we are planning a media event for BTEC students at Bath College. The discussions of what makes a good leader varied from confident, responsible, passionate and a good listener.

Next we split up into our individual teams which we were in last week and we were set the task of deciding the perfect film crew for a documentary being commissioned by BBC2 called "Plight of the Polar Bears".

These were the choices:

  • Richard Hastie as the camera man as he has won awards for Wild Life Photography.
  • Ingrid Gunsten as she speaks a variety of languages such as English, French and Russian, she has a good track record in research and has written many books on the destruction of the planet.
  • Brian Mccormack, Producer/Director, very experienced producer. He has worked with David Attenborough . He is reliable and knows how to keep up team spirit.
  • Sven Magnesson, who owns and works dog sleighs and is a survival expert.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Media Event Lesley 28th January

Today we discussed our next assignment which was a task for us to organise a Media Event which will involve the whole group being involved in organising the event and each having an individual role, however the event will be held in stages as the audience will swap from activity to activity throughout the day.

The content for our media event, which included the audience [who it was aimed at], what time it is due to start and finish and where it was being held. The media event is aimed at first year BTEC students who are hopeing to persue the same course as we are doing and w therefore want to help steer them in the right direction and make sure it is as interesting as possible to make them involved and to help them decide if this course is for them.

We also had to make sure that the Media Event has two Ambassadors in the group to smeet and greet and show the group around to make sure no one is lost and that everyonr is enjoying the day.

The event will be help at 9.30 until 2.00 on Friday 8th April and it had to be help at the university. We had to make sure that it was interesting, hands on and would hold their attention. Our next step was to decide on the content on the media event.

The event may also involve a member of the group giving the audeince a presentation on the course, for example what we are doing on the course. This could be useful to show off what we have done by diplaying our show reel but also giving the audience a flavour of what they will be learnig on the course.

Our next job was to decide the content of the event. We then split into individual groups to discuss ideas for the main activities for the BTEC students at the media event.

These were some of the ideas we had:

  • Stock Motion-Paper Draw
  • Make your own advert
  • News feature
  • Make a film [concept]
  • Acoustic 2 camera unit
  • Interview filmed
  • Red Nose Day [Independent Student in Need]
  • Green Screen [Music Video]
  • Radio Debate [West Speaker]
  • Bath Life [Greg Talk]
  • Photo Maraphon