Saturday 3 April 2010

Filming in Bath 25th March

After carrying out and collecting interviews from people who have been converted and have tried Anna's food for a long period of time. We wanted to show Anna experimenting her food on the public as this included chocolate cake and also savoury food that is healthy and is something that is healthy and allows you to have a healthy lifestyle.

We wanted to show Anna's thought and opinions on hoe she she is feeling allowing members of the public to come over and try her food, in some cases it was food that she was just experimenting with it to see if people liked it as she had never cooked it before and to also see the way people may interpret her food in the end result if they liked it and if so would they buy it if it was sold in shops. We made the decision to set up our equipment carried out the interviews and the food testing in the centre of bath as we knew it would be busy and so that we would get a wide range of different opinions and personalities. We interviewed around six people who all gave good, solid answers as we had to stop as a result of the weather conditions.

My role was coming up with the questions for the interviewer to ask which in this case was Annie. My other role was to be in control of the sound boom when carrying out interviews. Mandy was the director and the camera man who's job was to not only make sure the positioning of the camera was right when carrying out interviews and certain shots, such as mid shots or close-ups but also to film cutaways which we would need to add to our documentary later which could be part of the introduction.

I enjoyed being part of this process as I had a different role to be in control of the sound making sure that he noise level was properly set and that the sound did not peak too high or too low so it was a good learning experience. I also enjoyed seeing the range of different personalities and characters that came through whilst we were interviewing people and the vast majority of people that we interviewed liked Anna's food and would therefore buy it if it was sold in shops.

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