Wednesday 28 April 2010

Editing Food For Thought 27th April

Today we continued editing our documentary "Food for Though"we are at the finishing stages now we just added the credits and the title sequences for some of the interviews as some of these had to be rewritten. The main focus we found when writing credits and titles is that the writing needs to be within the frame of the screen otherwise some of the text would have been cut off. We had to make sure that it was positioned correctly and made sure that we had the right font.

We hen added the credits at the end of the documentary, for example who the the director, producer and editor of the piece is and we finished by adding in fad ins and out of the piece to make sure that the piece flowed well and it ended in a professional way and it did not just end with a fade to black..

We also had to find a beginning to our documentary that would help introduce the audience into Anna's [the nutritionist], interest of food and what she has produced for different restaurants and friends that she has helped through healthy food over the years.

Friday 23 April 2010

Editing Food for Thought 23rd April

Today we continued to edit our documentary "Food for Thought" we focused on piecing together the piece using sub clips and photos as cross cuttings to illustrate what the Nutritionist was saying, for example food that Anna has prepared before in her workshops.

Also to make the documentary flow easier and make it more interesting we added fade in fade out transitions which helps make the documentary flow easier and helps link into the next point that the interviewee is making. This was a useful exercises for me as I learned new skills and techniques that helped me to understand when and how transitions are necessary and when they are not.

Another way of making the documentary flow well is the use of title sequences that can also be used to make the documentary more interesting than just having an interview that is constant as titles explain and set up the next point that the documentary or the interviewee is covering. For example we had shots of Anna sharing her food with members of the public and a title sequence came on before explaining to the audience what is happening next "what did the public think..."

The difficulty with today's editing was deciding whether or not to use clips or photographs to break up the interviews as we found some clips worked well but had faults within them, for example some shots were not steady and therefore shook a lot as these therefore had to become photos.

Another technique we covered was when adding photos we could decide whether the shot of the photo would start by zooming in or out of the to give it a more stylish feel.

Monday 5 April 2010

Reasearch and personal input for our Documentary Food For Thought

We were all given different areas to research and we all came with different example that helped shape and inspire our documentary. We mainly focused on celebrities and people who have helped change people's lives to make them healthier and therefore help change their diet and lifestyle. I researched "Jamie Olive's School Dinners" and "You are what you eat". I felt that these people have contributed to the change in people's diet and therefore help people out of medical problems such as obesity that is on the rise in the UK.

This documentary was good as it shows members of the public about the food that children are being served for example foods not having the right ingredients in foods like chicken nuggets and children are not having a balanced diet and are being consumed to unhealthy foods than having their five-a-day.

It uses close-up shots of children's lunch boxes and the food hat they are eating to shock the audience make them do something about it and change to gave a more balanced and healthy diet. Also when asking children what certain vegetables were none of the children had the right answer this shows the lack of knowledge and the relationship that children have with food.

The documentary shows the good side towards the end as more and more children are enjoying the concept of eating healthy foods and shows that healthy does not need to be boring as there are close-up shots of children eating healthy lunches. There is the argument that healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food.

This Documentary You are What You Eat focuses on the concept of what people eat and how much unhealthy food they are consuming. The presenter confronts people into the amount of calories are in the product and therefore try to change their food habits, low angle shots are used to show importance and close-up shots of people's faces to show emotions expressions, for example obesity.

I felt that this documentary was good as it focuses on the lifestyle of the person than just the food consumption and body image as this allows the audience can connect with the person. The documentary highlights illness that are a result of unhealthy foods with red bold titles, such as obesity and heart disease.

It also shocks the audience like with the Jaime Oliver documentary by using close-up shots and tracking shots of unhealthy foods. The use of interviews i the documentary with the interviewer and the interviewee that are used in the documentary are more personal as the camera chooses to keep the camera rolling this suggests that the interviewee is reflecting on her decision to constantly eat unhealthy food.

Another contribution to the project are the questions for the interviews that we carried out in Bristol with Anna and her friends that have attended her workshops

Here are the questions that I came up with for the interviews:

We are researching into healthy food and the impact healthy food has on people’s lives. We are conducting a documentary that shows the impact that healthy food has on people from a Nutritionist’s point of view.
1. How often do you have takeaways?
2. What is your approach to healthy food?
3. How often do you eat healthy foods?
4. Would you buy this cake if it was sold in Supermarkets?
5. What do you think of Anna’s food? How did you react?
6. Would you change your own diet to Anna’s food?
7. Is this the first time that you have had organic food?
8. If so would you have it again?

Saturday 3 April 2010

Editing Our Footage 31st March

After we collected all the footage we needed that included interviews, cutaways and camera shots the next stage of the production process was the delivery of the project as we had to log and capture the footage we had taken and then the real challenge, to filter through the interviews shots we thought would interesting and engaging and try to fit it into a 5-8 minute documentary. This process was difficult as there was a certain way to log and capture the piece it had to be on the right setting and the same setting as the camera.

Me and Mandy started off by watching the interview with Anna and try to pick out lines that could be used as either an introduction or an ending to the documentary. I felt that this was a long process as each sentence had to be taken into consideration as we had to filter through the best bits as the interview was over two hours long. switching the data from different computers was challenging as we had to find different ways of doing it for example transferring files using the drop box folder and make sure each project was saved.

This was a good learning experience as it gave us an insight into the length of time it takes to deliver a film or a documentary as you have time to consider, for example how many cutaways to have in the space of time you have got and where best to add the cutaways but also adding sub clips and where to bring them in..

Filming in Bath 25th March

After carrying out and collecting interviews from people who have been converted and have tried Anna's food for a long period of time. We wanted to show Anna experimenting her food on the public as this included chocolate cake and also savoury food that is healthy and is something that is healthy and allows you to have a healthy lifestyle.

We wanted to show Anna's thought and opinions on hoe she she is feeling allowing members of the public to come over and try her food, in some cases it was food that she was just experimenting with it to see if people liked it as she had never cooked it before and to also see the way people may interpret her food in the end result if they liked it and if so would they buy it if it was sold in shops. We made the decision to set up our equipment carried out the interviews and the food testing in the centre of bath as we knew it would be busy and so that we would get a wide range of different opinions and personalities. We interviewed around six people who all gave good, solid answers as we had to stop as a result of the weather conditions.

My role was coming up with the questions for the interviewer to ask which in this case was Annie. My other role was to be in control of the sound boom when carrying out interviews. Mandy was the director and the camera man who's job was to not only make sure the positioning of the camera was right when carrying out interviews and certain shots, such as mid shots or close-ups but also to film cutaways which we would need to add to our documentary later which could be part of the introduction.

I enjoyed being part of this process as I had a different role to be in control of the sound making sure that he noise level was properly set and that the sound did not peak too high or too low so it was a good learning experience. I also enjoyed seeing the range of different personalities and characters that came through whilst we were interviewing people and the vast majority of people that we interviewed liked Anna's food and would therefore buy it if it was sold in shops.

Filming in Bristol Thursday 18th March

For our group project Food For Thought we had to have a day where we could film Anna in her hometown of Bristol [who is the Nutritionist in our short documentary and has her own website and business] and her daily routine which involved making cakes or savories which she also deliveres to small businesses such as cafes or shops. This then was a good chance to interview her friends who have all been converted to Anna's food in some way purely because or personal or medical reasons which has had an effect on them.
We filmed the interviews using the Z1 camera and Monfrotto Tripod and a boom [which is used to capture sound] to allow good steady camera use as the Z1 is good quality and can also capture good sound and picture. We also filmed Anna cutting and packing cakes that she had made the previous day so that we could use these as cutaways later.
Cutaways are shots that are used to break-up interviews or help to elaborate on what people are saying in a visual way. My role for the day was the camera man and asking questions to ask the interviewees. Mandy's role was the director and the interviewer.
Being the camera man was a difficult job as I found myself sometimes focusing on the person was saying than on the camera itself, for example making sure it was set up properly that we had the right position when carrying out an interview and that we had the right head height, because having too much or too little can effect the outcome of the shot.
We also interviewed the cafes manager on what his thoughts are on Anna's food whether or not it has been popular with customers and if he has been converted to Anna's food himself. Then later on Mandy carried out a one-to-one interview with Anna on how she was converted herself and her personal experiences what she gets out of cooking and how she converts people to a more healthier lifestyle, and also what it feels like to change people's lives.